Tuesday, October 3, 2017

chicken chili...


I bought a beautiful chicken breast from the butcher on Sunday with the intentions of making a crock-pot chicken chili. With a dish like this, I usually chose a recipe and proceed to leave out what I don't want like the quinoa (Well, I wanted it, but Brian gets funny about quinoa.)and  add a little more of this or that as it's chili...the more the better, right? Well, this chicken chili was spicccccy!!! I could have been from me adding the diced jalapeno or the Spicy Chile Beans or the Chili Tomato Sauce or the additional dry spices or the combination of all but let me just tell you, the dish had a real kick to it. I tried to tone it down by adding some corn meal and served it with cheese and sour cream but it was still hot. Good, but hot! I must say, though, it was nice to come home to a crock-pot dish on an October evening.
Slow Cooker Quinoa Chicken Chili via The Girl Who Ate Everything 

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