Saturday, August 19, 2017

a quiet weekend for me...

I'm alone until Sunday evening, boo, so it will be quiet for me. (Well, for Nick too, as he text me and said he wished we could go to lunch today as he is alone this weekend. Boo! Boo!) That being said, I decided to detail clean so my first week to work begins in a beautiful, sparkling home which I love. DONE! Then, Brian noticed some "dirt" or whatever under the lowest refrigerator shelf which led to us pulling out the frig, cleaning all shelves and cabinets inside, the coils, behind the refrigerator and the top. DONE!  I ran errands today, met my guy in Wasco, stopped at school and the proceeded home to to unpack what was bought. DONE! Thank goodness we had leftover salmon for my dinner as I was still unpacking a dishwasher and folding clothes and wiping up around 6 tonight. A productive day, to say the least!

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