Sunday, September 11, 2016

a day we will never forget...

I was teaching at Greenbriar School in Chicago Heights on September 11, 2001. I think I was teaching fifth grade and I remember my principal coming to my door and asking to talk to me. She said our nation was being attacked and she told me that one of the towers in New York had been hit. When Patty left, I went on teaching as of course, we could not alarm the children, but I remember being in a daze, In fact, all of the adults in the building went through the day shocked and scared and in a daze. It was truly eerie.  Upon arriving home and reuniting with my husband and children, we all experienced deep, deep sadness. I have never felt like that before and as we watched the days events unfold, there was little talk. There really was nothing to say; our nation had been attacked and threatened. Thousands had died, thousands had lost a loved one and I think we knew America would never be the same. 911 is a day to never forget...

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