Monday, June 27, 2016

and i'm back home...

Brian and I spent almost four days with this little nugget and might I just say he is a really, really, really good baby. Little man slept great and ate great and played and laughed. Although he was under the weather and we did take him to the doctors on Saturday, he was so sweet each and every day. He let us know what he wanted and really did a lot of talking. I could not believe how easy he adjusted to us taking care of him and which is a direct result of him being confident. I truly attribute that to the fact that his mom and dad are very routine orientated with G and that really does make a child feel safe and secure. They know what is coming at them daily which is a good thing. I think the highlight of our time with our little guy was when his mom and dad came home. Graham's face lit up and he went back and forth between them smiling and giving each hugs and kisses for at least ten minutes. While doing this, he would occasionally go to B and me to hug and kiss as if to say, "I love you, too!" It was more than precious and we can't wait to be with him again; it was a true gift!

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