Wednesday, May 28, 2014

happy birthday to me...

Well, it's a happy day today as it's my birthday! When I think about my life now at 57, all I can say is things are good.  I have a wonderful family and job and I love my home.  I  still enjoy running and love, love, love cooking and reading. I look forward to my weekends which are always productive and enjoyed with my husband who is my everything.  I laugh that I continue to make resolutions and life changes and strive to find my "forever hobby".  I have learned to relish the time we have with Nick who has now lived with us for one year and have so enjoyed discovering who he is as a young adult; he is a funny man who is more routine orientated that I could ever believe and disciplined and very real and committed and loyal to his friends and us; he is "true" to Brian and me. Yep, I am lucky that my life is good! So today I look forward to my day at work and getting my hair cut and then meeting Brian and Nick for dinner in town. It is sure to be a good  happy day!

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