Friday, May 31, 2024

how is may over...

 Hello, dear friends. I was at lunch with my BFF forever yesterday and when she told me she missed my blog I decided I missed it, too. Once again, maybe I'm back again. I will see.

One thing I did miss about ASB is how it kept me accountable for things, behaviors and habits in my life. Things have slipped for me in that department this year so now, it's time to make another life change and seek accountability (along with balance). Hahah!

Moving is my second favorite month of the year over tomorrow. I love May...the weather, the celebrations, the changes it brings to everything living and it is ending. I am a bit sad, but I guess it's giving me the opportunity to start fresh when June begins tomorrow.

Soooo, goodby my sweet month of May and once again...until next time (my new ending).

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

and tomorrow it begins....

 Tomorrow it is about 9 and 3! Stay tuned, friends! 

Until later....

Monday, January 22, 2024

good morning, friends and foe...

 It's January 22 and I just started my New Year's Goal today...getting fit so I feel physically, emotionally and socially good. Yep, did not begin on the 1st but that is okay. At least I have finally started and how do I feel...happy to get Day One finished. 

What is my week looking like? Not like much but I do intend to get a total of five workouts in and some fun, healthy meals made. Today is going to be Salmon with Orzo and the dish looks delicious. 

Until later...

Saturday, November 11, 2023



Have you ever apologized to one of  your delivery people. Well, I did tonight. 

I had a delivery man call me to say my packages were here and I told him to leave them in the foyer. He asked by the mailboxes and I said yes but when I hung up, I felt bad. I thought I responded to him rudely so after  going down to get my bags, I called him.

 Needless to say, after I identified myself, he was somewhat perplexed. I said that I wanted to apologize if I was rude when he called as I was in the middle of something and in no way did I intend to insult him. He said I sounded busy and I again apologized and he was somewhat silent. After wishing him a good night, I hung up and felt so much better.

It did not matter that he did not perceive my tone the way I did; I did. It's so much better to clear things up with people. I feel so much better.'

Until later...

Friday, November 10, 2023

where have I been... and I don't know where the time has gone. It's November could this be? Time is flying by so fast; it must stop. What has been going on? Nothing big which is good. Halloween came and went and the Trick or Treaters were greeted with a day of snow. It was crazy.  My husband spent a week in Hilton Head, I have been cooking so much and deep cleaning the condo and walking and crocheting like mad. I love it! We have been watching sports and getting together with family which is always special and enjoying the beautiful weather here in the mid-west which has been such a treat. This weekend looks to be beautiful, our meals our planned and I'm looking forward to some lovely days and early evenings as the time change does not disappoint in the fall.

Until later.... 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Today is for cleaning...


Do you do your own cleaning? 

I use to have a cleaning lady but I never really felt like our home was as clean as it could be. I would clean after she cleaned so I had to stop the service and I've never regretted the decision.

I have done my own cleaning for many years now and when I do, our condo is sparkling. I love a clean and organized home; everything in its place is what we work to have in each and every space and cabinet and closet. I like things organized by size and labels facing forward and by color in our closet. It just works for me. Some make think it's a bit crazy and it can be but it keeps me calm. So today I had fun cleaning each and every room and our windows and cabinet knobs and pulls and floors. Our home looks and smells wonderful...I am one happy woman.

Until later...

happy monday...

Hope you had a lovely weekend. I...
  • did a ton of cooking and our meals all screamed fall.
  • enjoy some meal planning for next week. That keeps us out of expensive restaurants.
  • watched the Chicago Bears and it was a really fun game.
Have a great week. Until later...

Friday, October 6, 2023

happy friday...


Hello Friday. Today begins a long weekend for most. Mine began with early shopping, a beautiful late morning walk, lunch with my Graham and a rainy walk home as the weather turned quickly as predicted.  I'm so looking forward to some delicious comfort meals and more outdoors and the Chicago Marathon!

Until later...

Thursday, October 5, 2023

fall in the midwest ...

 It's very pretty here during the fall! As the trees turn, streets are filled with color and oh, the smells. Intoxicating! And then, as you walk on the fallen, brown leaves the crunching sound is a sound that cannot be ignored. There is so much fall beauty surrounding me these days and I love it.

Until later...

Hello Thursday...

 Do you meal plan? I plan my Monday thru Thursday meals on Sunday and my Friday thru Sunday meals on Thursday. Planning prevents us from going out to dinner and I am not a "going out to dinner" fan. Restaurant prices are so high these days, especially if you are going to order a drink, and I usually can make a meal that is restaurant quality. So today is meal planning day and this is what I am thinking...

Looks like it is going to be a delicious weekend!  Until later...

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

are you there.

Hello! Hello!  Hello! How long has it been? Years and years and years. 

I have been thinking of coming back to the blog, thinking of journaling again. I loved it then and I think I would like it now. I'll see.                                                                                                            

That being said...much has happened since I last was here. More grand babies were born and many, many delicious meals have been made and some wonderful adventures were experienced and a marriage happened and we now live in a new place to name a few. Life, it moves on, doesn't it? And mine surly has!

As I end this post, just want to again say hello and I hope all is well with you and yours.  It is time to prep my dinner now and let my day begin to wind down so...

Until later....

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Hello and I so hope you are well. Today, I received so wonderful news from a friend that just made my heart skip a beat and I actually thought, "Okay, life is getting back to normal." That made me want to journal again so here I am. 

Brian and I are well. Our children and their significant others and our little nuggets are well and being able to say that makes me very happy. What have I/we been up to?

Brian and I have not traveled yet, so we have not seen Nick and Melody for 17 months. We have, however, started to go out a bit more as both of us are fully vaccinated and protected and that, I must say, is nice. 

I'm looking forward to some warm weather and continuing to get back into shape. I'm doing pretty good, but I continue to remind myself to "be gentle with me". This year of isolation and uncertainty has taken a toll on me and my family so I work to just stay balanced each and every day.

Plans???  Not many but that is okay. I'm thrilled we are well and that summer is coming and things are improving on our planet. 

WOW! Have things changed?

Until later...

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

organizing, organizing, organizing...


I'm currently obsessed with containers and organizing. Yesterday, as I was cleaning, I was also getting rid of all of my baskets and metal containers and reorganizing things in my new, clear, plastic containers. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Everything looks balanced. 
I just love opening up a cabinet and seeing things in a clean, compact vessel. It's a very tidy look and tidy spaces brings me peace. Really, it does and I think it does the same to all.
Simple things in life just make me happy!
Until later...

Sunday, February 28, 2021

march first...

 It is time to restart. I need to feel better; mind, body and soul. I think COVID has now worn me down and I’m tired. It has been an entire year and I’m tired. Tired of isolation and sad people and worries and those who feel entitled and my list goes on. I want life to be as it was, but I know, it will not. I do not think it will ever be the same. So what will I do now?

I want to....

-go to Oregon between May and August. Alone for a bit; that will be healthy.

-return to my note taking in my journal.

-continue my daily walks of 4 plus miles.

-cook and eat healthy.

-drink more tea.

-reduce screen time.

-engage in yoga and organize and de-clutter as much as I want.

A very simple list of “to do’s” that will be a part of this month’s tasks. Until later...

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

baked Italian cannelini beans and cod...

 Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!

We love this dish and it’s so easy to make. After watching my hilarious video, you need to put the beans in a casserole dish and cook for about 20 minutes in a 400 degree oven or until the edges are browning. Cover the casserole and lest it rest for 10 minutes. This is when you cook the cod! PERFECT!!! Serve the fish over the beans in a pretty dish and enjoy!

Note: You need two cans of Fire Roasted Tomatoes!

Recipe belongs to Reluctant Entertainer

Click on the box to watch the video!

Dip the cod in Italian Seasoned Breadcrumbs after coating with egg.
Place on a greased pan and drizzle with melted butter.
Bake for 10 minutes in a 500 degree oven. 
It will be perfect!!!

what’s my goal...

 Yesterday- 4.52 miles

Goal- 7 miles by the end of February 

Can I do it? 

We’ll see!!!

Until later...

Sunday, January 31, 2021

welcome february...

My favorite month has arrived; the "Month of Love". I have always loved February, so much that we were married on the 23rd  almost 41 years ago. I love the quiet this month brings, the colors and the smiles it always brings to people as everyone loves Valentine's Day, right? This is the month that seems to motivate me to be my best in mind, body and spirit. It just seems like the right time so welcome February. I'm glad you have arrived and I will enjoy each and every day.

Until later...

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Monday, January 18, 2021

happy monday...

 Happy Monday, y'all and happy MLK Day. Hope you enjoyed your weekend and are ready to tackle the week. Any plans? 

 Hahaha, so few of us have plans for the week these days, right? Me, I clean on Mondays and that is the only "plan" I usually have.  If you look at my Condo Tour video, the condition of my condo on that day is probably the condition of my condo today but, I will still clean. Our place will be sparkling when I am finished and that is how I like it! 

This week I am also going back to my morning smoothie to just feel a bit lighter and more energetic. Melody and Nick gave us their recipe and we really enjoyed it as it is quite filling and very, very healthy. I'm also thinking of drinking bone broth which I have heard is also good for your digestive system. Any one else?

That is about it; clean, drink a smoothie each morning and walk five days. Last week, clocked a bit over 20 miles. Not bad, right and I felt gooooood. 

Enjoy your Monday and until later...

Thursday, January 14, 2021

this house...

 I saw this house on a walk and had to stop to look at it. I was really taken by it and thought to myself, "What a beautiful home!" This is actually a "once home" as it's empty now, but it still has so much character.

 As I looked at it, I was saddened that it is being torn down and I wondered who once lived here? Was there a family here with a mom and dad and children? Did the family laugh and talk and enjoy meals inside the walls? Did the kids run up and down the stairs screaming and laughing? Did the parents sit in the living room at the end of a day with a glass of wine and just breathe? What is the history of this place?

There are not many homes like this where I live, but I found it simply charming when compared to some of the newer ones rebuilt on a lot like this one. This home seemed to lure me to it. It made me stop and stare at it for quite a long time. Maybe that means I will live in a similar home in the future. Who knows,  right?

Until later...

today was for 4.32 miles...

I have been doing well honoring my New Year's Resolutions and thinking of my Word of the Year. The problem: I gained some weight which is ridiculous. I seriously cannot believe it as lunch has been an Italian Cabbage Soup which is less than 300 calories this week and a healthy dinner nightly. I'm not a big snacker so I was a bit upset this morning. Sooooo, what did I do?

Well, I know I need to be gentle with myself  so this is what  I decided to do. Today, I decided to just move on. I ate my soup and went on a lovely 4.32 mile walk which was wonderful . I finished feeling strong and that is what I want to focus on: how I feel physically and mentally daily. So, I guess my message is this: 

"Don't let a bump in the road stop you; move on with a positive attitude as having that gift of being able to "move on" these days is one that not all have as we all know."

Until later...

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

condo tour...

Hello; starting my return with a tour of my condo! Enjoy and please “like and subscribe “ I’ll soon understand why I said that and why it is important!

Until later...

...and i'm back again!

 Hello! Hello! Hello!

Hello! Hello! Hello!

I have missed my blog!!! As this past year was so horrible for all of us in the United States, when I tried to return and write again, I just could not. I mean seriously, just surviving was my goal as I am sure was yours, too. Right? 

Last year, we  all seemed to just want to learn how to stay safe and not get sick and build our "little bubbles" so we could have some normalcy. Who would have thought things would have stayed bad for so long, but they did and we all needed to step up and think of others which many of us did. Well, let me move on...

Lately,  I have wanted to rejoin social media with a new Always Seeking Balance once again; but this time with  a change that will challenge me.  (Believe me, though, I do have the time.)  As I've, of  course, continue to cook and organize and work on life changes, I decided to "Return! Return! Return!" with videos. Yep, "how to" and "informational" videos that will be fun to make. Why, you might ask? Well....

I really enjoy bloggers that go live on Instagram and they link the reader to their blog post to share their passions. Videos and blogs! It is entertaining and fun and personal , so that is my goal. 

Now know,  this is going to take me a bit of time so it is a work in progress, but I thought to myself, "Why not?" So, that is what you will be seeing, blog posts and pictures and videos and  hopefully, you will see this sooner rather than later.

See you soon...